About Us
The City of Albuquerque was officially founded in 1706. DTI has grown to meet the City’s needs for decades! We employ about 150 people ranging from 311 Community Contact Center Agents to Data Architects to Systems Administrators.
Our role is to blend data, technology, and creative problem solving with people to bring value to our vibrant community. We do not serve technology, we serve the people who use the technology.
DTI engages with customers in various capacities. We interface internally with 6000+ City employees working across 25+ City departments and divisions and externally with community members. The City’s leadership champions innovation in all solutions, allowing DTI to be the first point of contact for the technological needs and support at City Hall. We support the community by improving services available to residents and businesses, like making it easy to interact with your government, gaining access to WiFi, and implementing public safety technology throughout the city.
The City of Albuquerque serves as a representation of the residents here and we recognize Albuquerque’s unique position as a large and diverse metropolitan area in a rural state. We are seizing the opportunity to create a sense of place by supporting the growing technology hub of organizations, companies, schools, and, of course, the people!
As employees and residents, we are vested and have a passion to see our efforts help the Albuquerque community thrive and grow!