Is your company unknowingly open to an attack by cybercriminals?
Join us for our six-part cybersecurity awareness webinar series! Contribute to the discussion as Lumen security experts take a deep dive into the current security landscape, the diversity of attacks and the common cybersecurity issues affecting all businesses and organizations.
August 9th - Zero Trust: Eliminating implicit trust and continuously validating every stage of a digital interaction
Larry Callahan – Lumen Complex Security Solutions, Sales Manager will lead the discussion on a higher-level approach to a specific security architectural model and how to
All live sessions will begin at 10am PST and will be moderated by Terry Barbounis - Lumen Director, Innovation Strategy, Product Innovation/R&D.
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200 Broadway Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 – 505-818-5024 –