Join us for our next Digital Inclusion Peer Group!
Moderator, Trish Lopez, CEO and Founder of Teeniors, and panelists will discuss challenges in accessing the internet and technology as well as progress made in digital literacy among our NM Native Communities and Tribal Lands.
This peer group meeting will be informative and collaborative, with the panel taking comments and questions from attendees. Come to learn and be part of the discussion.
Moderator, Trish Lopez, CEO and Founder of Teeniors, and panelists will discuss challenges in accessing the internet and technology as well as progress made in digital literacy among our NM Native Communities and Tribal Lands.
This peer group meeting will be informative and collaborative, with the panel taking comments and questions from attendees. Come to learn and be part of the discussion.
Digital Inclusion Peer Group | NM Nat...
Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 6, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MST
This meeting is virtual over Zoom.
You will receive the link to the Zoom meeting once you register.
Open and free to all, courtesy of NMTC Community Partners
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